Uncover an abundance of new stuff in this exciting sequel!

Unearth hidden treasures and charms amidst beautifully themed scenes like a '70s scrapbook, Street Art, Model Trains, Woodcarving, and more! Dive into various engaging mini-games and collect charming trinkets as you rediscover the fun of finding so much stuff! Relax, have fun, and sort through the delightful chaos of So Much Stuff 4: Bits and Bobs!

  • Play over 100 puzzle games!
  • Collector's Edition includes 8 extra themes
  • Make gameplay simpler with Help and Hint functions!

    Uncover an abundance of new stuff in this exciting sequel!

    World class video game and music publishing, offering something for everyone.

    Ocean Media d.o.o.
    Antuna Mihanovica 42A

    10290 Zapresic
    Hrvatska, EU

    OIB: 73910628687
    Porezni broj: 02091879
    ERSTE: 2402006 -1100468126
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    MBS: 080568092
    Iznos temeljnoga kapitala društva 20.000,00
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    Tel./Fax.: +385.
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